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Rates of Pay

You deserve to be paid fairly.

We publish benchmarks on recommended rates of pay for writers and illustrators because fair remuneration is vital.

When festivals, schools, journals and other organisations agree to a fair rate of pay, they make it possible for creators to make a living. We’ve created these benchmarks by consulting with industry organisations, individuals, authors and illustrators.

All rates exclude GST

Rates of pay

Show me the rates for:

Book Illustrations

The following rates are based on A4-size projects, commissioned by self-publishing authors, or non-publisher companies or organisations. These rates demonstrate the extensive time and work involved in commissioned book illustration projects, assuming a high professional level and experience of the illustrator in addition to conceptual input and research. 

For all illustration work, an agreement should be in place between both parties before illustration work is begun. Please see our Trade Publishing Agreement for Illustrators and Author Commissioning Illustrator template agreements.

Trade publishing arrangements typically do not pay a commission – instead, the illustrator is paid in advances and royalties. By comparison, educational publishers commonly commission illustrators, offering a work-for-hire contract or ‘royalty-free contract’, with a lump sum for the illustration work.

For ‘one-off’ or single illustrations paid on a flat fee – for example, for editorial illustrations or private usage – add 20 percent to the illustration rates. For online or commercial usage, a limited time agreement of a maximum of two years and an indication of the type of access should be specified. 

Ideally, the illustrator should be paid a commission for the illustrations and royalties for the sales, however the ASA understands self-publishing authors are rarely equipped to accommodate royalty payments. If copyright is assigned to the commissioner in the agreement, the fee should be increased by 20% as compensation for lack of royalties, renegotiations, and additional income. Moral rights should always be retained by the illustrator for attribution.

Where publishers or other commissioners intend to bundle additional tasks with one particular illustrator (e.g. colour illustration, cover design, book design and lettering), the ASA recommends the commissioner to quote for each individual job component, or negotiate a reasonable package rate with the artist that does not undercut the total of all job components by more than 15%.

For additional rates for illustration and design work, please see our Comics Rates of Pay.


Black and white




Black and white book illustration

Quarter page or chapter head


Half page


Full page


Double page spread


Colour book illustration

Quarter page or chapter head


Half page


Full page


Double page spread




Full book illustration

32-page picture book

Up to individual illustrator

The minimum to begin negotiations would be a lump sum of $6,000+. This rate includes only the illustrations for the internals of the book. Additional tasks, including cover, design and lettering, should be quoted in addition.

The current Book Illustration Rates of Pay have been reviewed in November 2024. After comprehensive research and consultation with illustrators, we have found that these rates are standard and should not be reduced, despite downwards industry trends. Instead, more attention needs to be given to encourage employers to meet our rates. Our advice has been modified to highlight the extent of the work involved in illustration tasks and to provide more transparency over the engagement and payment options available. The next review is scheduled for 2026.

As we will every year, a WPI increase has been applied (July 2024.) We appreciate it may take organisations a budget cycle to update their own rates.