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The spoken word: Performing your work live

There comes a time when every author has to perform their work, be it a public reading or your first time delivering a pitch to a publisher, and it’s often an intimidating facet of an author’s career. But performance is a skill that can be learned and honed!

This is something spoken word poet, lawyer, and Bankstown Poetry Slam founder, Sara Mansour learned the hard way. When Sara first started performing poetry, she had such horrible stage fright that her legs and hands would shake uncontrollably. Now, she comfortably MCs and performs in front of thousands.

Whether you’re a poet striving to express yourself on stage, or a writer looking to gain confidence in the rhythm and performance of your work, don’t miss this opportunity to pick up some tips and tricks from Sara’s personal experience.

Sara will cover:

You will also have the opportunity to participate in a live, interactive performance exercise led by Sara.

There will be time for questions.

Can't make it to the live session?

No problem! Everyone booked in to this event will be emailed a link and passcode to access the recording afterwards. This recording will be available to view for 10 days after the live session. This also means that if you wish to revisit the session after attending it live to take further notes, you can do so!

After 10 days, the link will expire and the recording will no longer be available to view.

About the Presenter