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While social realism has tended to be the dominant literary mode in Australian literary fiction, there’s a rich vein to be tapped in experimentation with voice, point of view, and narrative tone.
Don’t miss this session with highly-acclaimed literary fiction author Wayne Macauley, who will teach you how to experiment with allegory, irony and satire. Wayne will explore how to use these fictional modes to enrich your work, to enhance the sense of ‘play’ between writer and reader, and open up conversations around tricky subjects that might otherwise seem ‘out of bounds’.
This session will cover:
Join us for this session to refresh your fiction writing and learn how to experiment with allegory, irony, and satire.
There will be time for questions.
A private link of the session recording will be provided to enrolled participants only and available for a limited period of 10 days. Once the viewing period has expired the recording will no longer be available to view.
Handouts and slides will be provided to all registered participants if used in the session.