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1. The ASA Medal will be awarded to an Australian author or illustrator who has made an outstanding contribution to Australian culture as both a creator and an advocate. The recipient will have a significant body of work but, in addition, will have strived to encourage and support their peers, as well as having mentored and fostered emerging writers and/or illustrators.
2. The winner of the ASA Medal does not have to be a member of the ASA.
3. Each nominee must be alive at the time of nomination.
4. Current members of the ASA may nominate a person for the ASA medal by completing the online nomination form.
5. The consent of the nominee is not required for nomination but the consent of the winning nominee will be sought by the ASA before announcement of the winner. A nominee may decline to accept the ASA Medal.
6. Self-nomination is not permitted.
7. Current staff members and members of the ASA Board of Directors are ineligible for nomination.
8. Reasons for nominations shall be provided at the time of nomination to a limit of 500 words.
9. Nominations will be considered for a 2-year period. Nominations to the 2025 ASA Medal will be valid and considered for the 2026 ASA Medal. Nominations will need to be resubmitted after 2 years have elapsed.
10. The winner of the ASA Medal will be determined by the ASA Board of Directors (the ‘judging panel’) having regard to the criteria set out in clause 1 of these Terms and Conditions.
11. The judging panel may seek further material from the nominee or other person in support of any nomination.
12. The decision of the judging panel will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
13. The judging panel may decline to award the ASA medal if they consider that no nominee is of sufficient merit.
14. Each person making a nomination:(a) consents to the ASA collecting their contact details for the purposes of administering the ASA Medal; and(b) warrants that all details included in their nomination form is true and accurate, to the best of their knowledge.
Key Dates
15. Nominations for the ASA Medal open 19 March 2025.
16. Nominations close at 5pm, AEST, on Friday 23 May 2025.
17. Late nominations will not be eligible for entry.
18. The recipient will be publicly announced at the Colin Simpson Memorial Keynote in early November 2025. The winner’s name will also be published on the ASA’s website, newsletter and social media in an announcement on 15 October 2025.