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Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully before submitting your work to the Style File, as entries that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.
You do not need to be an ASA member to submit, but if your submission is successful you will have to join the ASA and pay an annual Style File subscription fee of $96 (inc GST).
Please select all the categories and media that your portfolio includes. These will determine how your portfolio displays in search results, so please be careful you select the correct options.
Any images will be need to be submitted as JPEG or PNG files and have square dimensions with a minimum width and height of 1920 pixels (i.e. 1920 x 1920). The images are for online view only, as such we recommend keeping the images at below 300 dpi.
Please ensure your images are in RGB format, suitable for web view. Any images in CMYK format (intended for print) may look hypersaturated when uploaded to the ASA Style File.
Your images will display on your portfolio in the order outlined in the graphic to the right: