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Support the Australian Society of Authors

Your donation to the ASA is tax-deductible and will help us provide advocacy, support and advice for Australia’s authors.

Want to support the ASA in providing advocacy, support and advice to Australia's authors and illustrators?

The ASA campaigns at industry and government levels for author and illustrator rights, including but not limited to robust copyright protections, fair contracts and fair pay. We set minimum recommended rates of pay for writers, and support authors and illustrators through training, mentorships and awards. In addition, our contract assessments, industry information and practical advice help our authors and illustrators make informed decisions about their professional practice.

We do all this supported only by modest membership and service fees. But with your contribution to the ASA Endowment Fund, we will be better placed to strengthen Australia’s writing culture and build a more supportive environment for Australia’s authors and illustrators.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.