Virtual Event

Portfolio Mentorship

Having a portfolio is vital for not only representing who you are as an artist, but a key way of putting your work in front of art directors or people commissioning work. Working with an experienced illustrator or art director, a portfolio review can help you determine:

Mentors can also discuss practical elements such as: 

Please note: This mentorship does not provide detailed edit notes or offer introductions or recommendations to publishers or agents.

How it works

For a portfolio mentorship, you will be asked to submit your portfolio with a maximum of 20 images. If your file size is too large to upload, you can share a link instead.

In your booking, you will be asked to list the three mentors you would most like to work with, in order of preference. You can learn more about our mentors at our mentor register

Once you have submitted your booking, you should receive an automated email confirmation from [email protected]. Please check your spam/junk folder if you don’t receive this email after submitting your booking.

Please note that we ask for upfront payment for all our mentorships. This is to ensure our mentors are paid promptly for their work. If this is difficult for you (especially in the case of a lengthy mentorship), please email [email protected] to discuss your payment options.

We will attend to your booking request within 2-3 business days. We will contact your preferred mentors (in order of preference) and notify you as soon as we have a mentor confirmed or more information available. You will receive email updates about your booking from [email protected]. Once a mentor and time frame is confirmed for your mentorship, your mentor will be in contact to get the mentorship underway.