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Primary and Secondary School Appearances and Workshops
These minimum rates of pay are designed for established, professional, freelance authors covering their own sick pay, holiday pay and superannuation. They include preparation and, appearance time, as well as travel to and from the venue but not extended regional or inter-state travel.
As with all such recommended rates of pay, the location and size of the school, your need for the work and your level of skill and experience will all play a part in the way in which you negotiate these rates. Highly experienced and skilled presenters may charge higher fees.
Please note that authors visiting schools must check if they are required to have a current Working with Children check and their own Public Liability Insurance.
The following rates are for virtual (online) appearances at primary and secondary schools. They are a guide only. They are subject to negotiation on a case by case, needs basis and may be tailored to fit the school brief and budget, and experience of the author / illustrator. All rates are ex-GST.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we anticipate rapid development of online initiatives. These rates will be subject to continuous review as further feedback is obtained and strategies for remote learning develop.
1. Virtual Talks/Presentations – (live)
The following rates assume a virtual live presentation by an author / illustrator (the presenter) on the following conditions:
Recommended rates
1 x 60 minute session: $325
Add a 2nd session on the same day total: $460
Add a 3rd session on the same day total: $677
Size of student group
Recordings of Presentation
2. Online Workshops – (live)
The following rates assume an online live workshop by an author / illustrator (the presenter) on the following conditions:
Recommended rates:
1 x 60 minute session: $352
Add a 2nd session on the same day: total $488
Add a 3rd session on the same day: total $705
3. Pre-recorded Talk/Presentation
The following rates assume a pre-recorded presentation by an author / illustrator (the presenter) on the following conditions:
Recommended Rates
Single access to file: $303
Single School Session – presentation or workshop
$352 – 1 x 60 minutes
$433 – 1 x 90 minutes
Audience for presentations to be no more than 110 students.* Surcharge of $104 for every 50 students in excess of 110
Extended workshops/presentation incur a surcharge.
Workshops are for class-size groups.
$488 – 2 x 60 minutes
These sessions are to be consecutive or with no more than a one-hour break between sessions. They must not be timetabled at either end of the school day.
$705 – 3 x 60 minutes
$705 – 4 x 45 minutes
180 minutes of contact time
Extended Day – additional hourly rate
$195 Per hour (only if in addition to full day rate)
To be negotiated by author
Weekly Writer Residencies
To be negotiated by the author.
Rates vary widely depending on the preparation involved and level of customisation required in the sessions.
Extended travel
$65 Per hour in excess of 1 hour for a one-way trip
Fee covers petrol and extended travel time.
Travel & Accommodation – working away from home **
Full travel costs and accommodation should be provided. In addition, a minimum per diem of $81 per day should be paid to the author to cover food and incidentals.
*Please note that for children in K to Yr3, audience sizes need to be smaller and the session times shorter.
** Please go to the Australian Tax Office site if you would like more information on travel related expenses. https://www.ato.gov.au
School Appearance rates were reviewed and updated in April 2021. The next review will take place in January 2025.
As we will every year, a WPI increase has been applied (July 2024.) We appreciate it may take organisations a budget cycle to update their own rates.