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Rates of Pay

You deserve to be paid fairly.

We publish benchmarks on recommended rates of pay for writers and illustrators because fair remuneration is vital.

When festivals, schools, journals and other organisations agree to a fair rate of pay, they make it possible for creators to make a living. We’ve created these benchmarks by consulting with industry organisations, individuals, authors and illustrators.

All rates exclude GST

Rates of pay

Show me the rates for:

Book Illustrations

The following rates are based on A4-size projects. Rates can be increased depending on detail required, research involved and conceptual input required. For ‘one-off’ or single illustrations paid on a flat fee without royalties add 20 per cent; for online usage, a limited time agreement of a maximum of two years and an indication of the type of access should be specified.


Black and white




Black and white book illustration

Quarter page or chapter head


Half page


Full page


Double page spread


Colour book illustration

Quarter page or chapter head


Half page


Full page


Double page spread




Book Illustration rates were reviewed and updated in December 2020. We are commencing our review which should be complete by September 2024.

As we will every year, a WPI increase has been applied (July 2024.) We appreciate it may take organisations a budget cycle to update their own rates.